The Journey To be Full Stack Series 1:How Git Can You Go

Opeyemi Seriki
2 min readAug 19, 2018


So…. This is my first article I would have never guessed it would have been tech related

lets talk about my first task with DSC…

Version Control

I was already familiar with my command prompt

Since I use Linux mint it is called terminal.. This topic was a breeze

Then git and git hub was the real deal i had no idea how to start but look at me now I’m already getting it

I’m excited to tell you all the steps.

* I forked a repo from DSC page named (members).

* I cloned the repo on my computer using terminal.

Using (git clone (the link copied from the repo)

While cloning I found out about git bash(so I made a new discovery) .

* I created a git remote.

Using(git remote add upstream (the link copied from the repo)

Note-make sure you are in the directory of where you cloned the repo

* I made a branch named it (my name).

Using(git branch (whatever you want to name the branch)

* I pushed it to git hub.

Using(git push origin development)

* I created a pull request.

Now I’m just flexing using Git and Git hub.i could also put some people through too which is awesome

Can’t wait for next week task I’m super excited

And I can’t wait to write another article soon on the next task,Watch my space😁

